Artist and Community Collaboration | Featured Resource

Artist and Community Collaboration | Featured Resource


The ArtBridges Resource Portal connects you to community arts toolkits and research, reflections and stories, program ideas, and more. These resources have been developed and generously shared by artists and cultural workers in Canada through the course of their work.

‘Each community, artist, and art project will take its own path and will find its own unique destination.’ – Common Weal Community Arts

Created by Common Weal, Artist and Community Collaboration: A Toolkit for Community Projects is designed for artists or community members who are starting or involved in collaborative community projects. This toolkit contains a diverse assortment of resources, ranging from discussion of ideas grounding collaborative work (values, ethical considerations) to a checklist for getting started, planning worksheets, sample consent forms, and icebreaker activities. Divided into 7 main sections (Initiate, Engage, Collaborate, Organize, Strengthen, Sharing, Completion) with special section of tools, templates and activities, this is a very rich resource. Thoughtfully constructed, each section mixes narrative with checklists, case studies, and tips.

Common Weal is a groundbreaking community arts organization that has been based in Saskatchewan for over two decades. Common Weal impacts communities who are under-served or who do not presently access mainstream arts programming and works towards changing the lives of the people involved in a positive way.

For artists or community leaders who are looking for resources, tips and ideas, this toolkit is a real hidden treasure that is not available online. A hard copy can be obtained through the Common Weal office for $15; please contact to learn more.

To learn more about Artists on Ice and Uprooted Generation, please visit the ArtBridges Resource Portal.

-Skye Louis, ArtBridges Info Resource Developer
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